Victorian Beauties ~Part 2~

Read part 1 *here*



Sylvia walked, at a lady-like pace, to where I had paused to give Cloud Shimmer a break from our ride.


“Oh, Rosilia,” Sylvia chirped as she came up next to me. I saw that she wore a smug smile on her pretty little face.


“What is it this time?” I asked.


“This time,” Sylvia said. “you get off that horse and walk home!”


“Uhh, no.” My little sister wasn’t going to boss me around!


“And that’s an order!” Sylvia continued, looking me straight in the eye. “Mother’s order.”


I couldn’t disobey Mother, so I dismounted grudgingly.


Sylvia snatched the reins from my hand and marched me home.


After Sylvia had turned Cloud Shimmer into the pasture, I wandered into the courtyard. Selene, one of the maids, was pulling weeds.l


“Rosilia!” Selene waved. Selene didn’t call me “Miss” or anything like that. We were friends, and I’d told her just to call me Rosilia, so she did.


I sat down next to her. “Hello, Selene! Can I help you pull weeds?”


Selene shook her head. “Usually, I would say yes; help yourself — but your mother wants to talk with you. She’s at her balcony.”


I stood up. “Thank you for telling me. Oh, and by the way, do you happen to know what she wants to talk to me about?”

“No, sorry.”


I went into the house and up to my mother’s room. Sure enough, she was on her balcony. I walked toward her slowly.


“Rosilia. Sylvia told me that you were riding your horse like a man. Is that true?”


I bit my lip. “Yes, ma’am.”


Mother sighed. “I am very disappointed in you.”

More than anything, I hated being a failure!


“You will not be able to ride your horse for two weeks — that is your punishment,” Mother said. “Do you understand?”


“But then I won’t be able to exercise her!” I exclaimed. “What will happen to Cloud Shimmer?”

“You will both pay from your mistake,” Mother said coolly. “Do you understand?”


I looked away and mumbled, “Yes.”

12 thoughts on “Victorian Beauties ~Part 2~

  1. GAH! I NEED MORE! I LOVE these kinds of stories. A girl is suspected to be ladylike, doesn’t want to, gets punished, etc., but then something awesome happens! I can’t wait. Loren, you have brought a ray of sunshine into my life!!!!!


  2. Pingback: Victorian Beauties ~Part 3~ | Happy House of AG

  3. Pingback: Victorian Beauties ~Part 5~ The Grand Finale | Happy House of AG

  4. Pingback: Victorian Beauties ~Part 4~ | Happy House of AG

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