Truly Me Doll Wishlist

I thought you guys might like to see what dolls I want from the Truly Me line, so here goes . . .

American Girl doll Truly Me #24

TM #24

I’ve wanted her for a long time. Her name would be Nevaeh Allison Taylor and she would sing, play the guitar, and, um . . . yeah. The Siamese cat my dolls have would belong to her. (Her last name is Taylor and there’s the singer Taylor Swift . . . anybody get that? Ha . . . ha ha . . .)

American Girl doll Truly Me #37

TM #37

Cass, short for Cassandra, is Savannah’s best friend. I’m not sure what her hobbies would be . . . I guess her personality needs some more work . . .

American Girl doll Truly Me #44

TM #44

What do you think of her name being Azalea, Zalea for short? What about Zaria? (she just seems like she would have a “z” name to me) There are some hot pink azaleas in my yard, so if I got her, I could take pics of her there. :D

American Girl doll Truly Me #47

TM #47

I love this doll, but I don’t know what I’d name her. Stephanie? Selena? Piper? idk.

American Girl doll Truly Me #27

TM #27

 She seems like she would be Isabelle’s older sister, Jade.

You thought that was lot of dolls? I’m just getting warmed up . . .

American Girl doll Truly Me #62

TM #62

No idea what I’d name this girl but she’s pretty.

American Girl doll Truly Me #61

TM #61

I was going to name her Bree but now I’m not so sure . . . She’d be Saige’s little sister and an animal lover.

Americna Girl doll Truly Me #49

TM #49

Looks like Tracy’s older sister to me. I had this whole list of names for this doll, but I wrote it on an American Girl catalog, and now I don’t know where that catalog is . . .

American Girl doll Truly Me #33

TM #33

Again, I’ve got nothing for this doll. But she does look kind of sporty to me . . .

American Girl doll Truly Me #53

TM #53

Oh no, it’s ANOTHER one! Sorry, sorry, I couldn’t help it . . .

Outdoorsy girl, perhaps. Bird watcher or whatever.

American Girl doll Truly Me #35

TM #35

Video gamer!

American Girl doll Truly Me #41

TM #41

She looks like she could be Savannah’s cousin. And maybe a bit of a drama queen. (Perhaps that’s just me rubbing off on dolls.)

American Girl doll Truly Me #57

TM #57

Boom. Another one.

American Girl doll Truly Me #56

TM #56

I only decided I liked this one when I saw Maddi’s pictures of her :)

American Girl doll Truly Me #60

TM #60

This is the last one, I promise!

I’ve wanted this one forevvvverrrrr! Her name would be Liberty.

Wow . . . that’s a lot of dolls. I doubt I’ll ever get them all (*the most heart-wrenching bawling breaks out*) unless I become a millionaire, and, to be honest, that’s not the most outrageous thing I’ve ever come up with and could actually happen. You know, when I’m a bestselling author and all that.



29 thoughts on “Truly Me Doll Wishlist

  1. oh! i totally recommend truly me 37! i have her, and i named her annabelle Annie for short.
    she is really pretty, but if you wont to put her hair in pigtails,it doesn’t work i was really
    disappointed wen i found out!


  2. if I was to get another, I’d would definatley get the last one you piton- love her. You could name #44 Zelda! #49 is so awesome, I agree!


  3. You think that’s a lot? Mine is #24 (Sophia Dakota Hart), #28 (Clara Consuelo Martinez), #33 (Pauline something Fossil), #37 (Marie Charlotte Deuren), #38 (Retired; Hazel Rowan Deuren), #42 (Maia Everest Raine), #44 (Gabriella Olivia Andrews), #46 (Jade Madison Lloren), #47 (Noelle Grace Lloren), #49 (Rain Amelia Lloren), #53 (Julianna something), #54 (Nora Zoe something), #55 (Annika Evangeline Summers), #56 (Miri Emmaline Kitteridge), #61 (Lily Violetta Evans), #62 (unknown), #64 (unknown).
    That’s 17, and that’s not to mention the historicals I love (4-ish). Granted, some of these are on my sister and I’s shared wish lists, not just mine. Mine is smaller than that, I think. Maybe. Plus that’s just the currently available dolls.
    Maybe we can go to the AG store together and buy them when we’re both bestselling authors. ;)
    *is rambling*
    *gets back on topic*
    Y’know what’s funny? My #24 is going to sing and play guitar. :)
    Zalea is a gorgeous name for #44! You always have the funnest names for your dolls.
    Seriously I can’t even believe how many dolls are on both of our wish lists. Apparently we have similar tastes.

    All right, I’ve dragged my comment on for a long time, so adieu!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow . . . yes. Yes, that is a lot of dolls.

      That would be so fun! *walk into AG store* *head straight to TM section* *buy half of the dolls* *lots of little girls staring at us with open mouths* *smile and wave, Kath, smile and wave*

      Didn’t we determine that we have twin personalities or something like that?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yep, it is. ;) And that’s just my currently-available-from-AG wishlist. I also have my retired-AG wishlist, my OG wishlist, my H4H wishlist, my Journey Girl wishlist, etc. granted I know I’m not going to get all of them, and in some ways I feel bad wishing for more dolls.
        XD *smile and wave, Loren, smile and wave*
        And then (since this is when we’re hugely popular published authors), we could sign all their books. ;)
        Yep, one time on NaNo we did.


  4. In real life, MY AG 33 is really cute. If I had her, I would name her Ginger! She’s actually the only doll I want, except for Caroline.


  5. Pingback: World Doll Day Tag! | Happy House of AG

  6. What about naming #44 Peyton or Baeli, or Avery? I’m trying to choose from one of those names, because I’m totally going to get her… After my birthday when I get Lea, then a girl/girl set of bitty twins… AND THEN I’ll get her. :P

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Flashback — July 2015 | Happy House of AG

  8. Wow I love those dolls too!
    Right now I want #44 (Adelaide or Gwendoline)
    #37 (India)
    #56 (Amaya)
    #43 (Jade)
    I swear I can never remember Jade’s number and no jokes I just went on the AG website to check :)
    I’ve also got my eye on #64 but I’m telling myself not to look at her, don’t name her, don’t make up a story for her, cause I can’t afford (literally) to be hooked on another doll :)
    Sorry I can’t get emojis lol


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