Two-Year Blogiversary

You did in fact read that correctly: it’s my two year blogiversary.

Two years ago, on March 27th, 2014, I started Happy House of AG.


Somehow, I managed to find enough inspiration to keep posting for two years. Which is pretty amazing, if you ask me. Sometimes I wanted to give up, because blogging is pretty hard. The pressure to post so many times a week. To post what people want to read. To have variety in my posts.

But I’ve kept going. And by doing that, I’ve created something very special.

This blog.

I have one of the most popular American Girl doll blogs to date. I’m sure that sounds conceited. But it’s not just me and my dolls and my photography that has made this blog what it is. No, it’s the people that read and comment and follow. You’re all amazing and kind, and every sweet comment makes my day. It blows me away to think just how many people I’ve inspired to start a blog, or how many people believe that I can be a best selling author, or how many friends I’ve made. You’re all so encouraging, and I don’t know where I’d be without you.

Well . . . mushy thank yous aside, who wants some stats? ;)

  • 391 posts

The top commenters are . . .



Megan (A Barefoot Gal)





Now then. I have a surprise for you! It’s not quite as amazing as what I did last year — finishing The BFF Wars — but I still think you’ll like it. :)

And, no, it’s not a giveaway.

Ready to learn what the surprise is?




























I’m starting Serpents!

Yep! I’m going to be posting the first part of Serpents, my new photostory series, today. Check back at 2:00 to read the first part!

Oh, and, uh, happy Easter. ;)


53 thoughts on “Two-Year Blogiversary

  1. Happy blog-o-versary!
    I do rather enjoy your posts, you’re one of my favorites. (Shh! :) I think your writing is always brilliant, and you’re a very nice/enthusiastic person, and had the good idea to recommend someone’s new favorite book to them *coughcoughKeepercoughcough*

    Anyways, I’m super happy you’re blog is so popular, and I think it’s been pretty amazing watching your writing, photography, and blogging skills grow, not to mention your kindness and the fact that you’re always willing to be silly when someone wants to be silly (and very good at encouraging when I need it).

    P.S. — I’m sorry I haven’t commented much recently — I’ll have to try a bit harder. I’ve missed our crazy comments!


    • Aw, thanks! I’m glad you like my writing — it means a lot to me.

      Welcome to the Keepers fandom, Kathleen. We’ve been expecting you. You will soon see that the fandom is going crazy, because we are waiting for Lodestar to be released.

      Thank you! I do enjoy being silly. ;) And, by the way, I think your writing is amazing. I really liked the beginning of that book about Rain the time traveler, even if I only read the first chapter. It was really good.


      P.S. I’ve missed our weird conversations, too!


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