Eve’s Profile

So! I finally picked a name for my Lea Clark doll, and it’s neither Phoebe nor Megan.

Introducing . . .

















Eve Adriana Cortez!

Here’s her profile:

 American Girl doll Lea Clark

I bought Eve in 2016 with my own money, when my dad and I went to the American Girl store in D.C. for Lea Clark’s debut.

Name: Eve Adriana Cortez

Age: 11

Nickname(s): Eve of Destruction, Cricket

Date Received: January 1st, 2016

Type: Renamed GOTY 2016 Lea Clark

Birthday: August 14

Allergies: None.

Hobbies: Exploring, swimming, hiking, photographing, and playing sports.

Personality: Adventurous, daring, optimistic, resourceful, independent.

Awesome Fact: I’ve been to Brazil!

Random Fact: When I went to Brazil, I kept a blog called Ola, Brasil.

Pet(s): None

Fave Animal(s): Sea turtles!

Fave Food(s): Coconut and shrimp.

Fave Color(s): Anything neon.


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