Name That Doll: Truly Me #63


American Girl Truly Me #63

Photo from American Girl Wikia

Lots of bloggers do Name That Doll, but I’ve always loved coming up with names for Truly Me dolls and I decided that I should just give the game a try. Besides, it’s really rainy and dreary outside (*cough cough* flood warnings and hurricanes *cough cough*), so I didn’t exactly feel like strolling out into the wet gloom with an expensive camera and $100 doll. I have no posts in my draft, but I wanted to post SOMETHING, so Name That Doll it is :)

Anyway, the doll you guys need to name is Truly Me #63. You can comment as many names for this beauty as you would like, and on October 11th, I’ll post my top five favorites. You guys can then vote for your favorite name.

Doesn’t this sound like fun? :D

Go ahead . . . Comment some names for this doll!


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